Requesting a Quote (RFQ)

Requesting a Quote (RFQ)

This guide is for end user customers & network partners only.
If you are a staff member based at our Grenada North production hub or,
one of our Corporate Studios, you will need to login to view our internal User Guide here.
If you can't login, please contact the Online Solutions Team.


This article will walk you through how to submit an RFQ (Request for Quote) to our Estimating team.

There are two reasons that you might need to submit an RFQ request.
1. You need a brand new quote for a job that can’t be quoted using our Quick Quotes range. 
2. You need to update an existing quote.

New Quote Request

First always check that the item you want to quote for is not already setup as one of our Quick Quotes. These provide you with prices instantaneously. If your print requirements are a bit more customised then an RFQ is the way to go.

Click Create Order > Request for Quote

Enter a Job Title (left) and choose an RFQ Contact (right) first. 

If you have them, we do recommend you upload any current artwork files in the section under the RFQ Contact. Especially for complex jobs, this will help the Estimating Team to quote your job correctly.

For now, you can leave the Notes box empty - you might find after you have entered all your print specifications, that you want to add an extra note here. 

Scroll down, under Select Template, choose NEW Quote.

A series of fields will appear that you will need to complete. These range from job quantity to stocks to finishing requirements. Please fill in as much information as you can, the more we have, the quicker we can get a quote back to you.

When you are done, click Submit.

At the top of the RFQ window, you will see that status has changed to Quote Requested. You will be sent an email when your request has been completed. 

Quote Update

Scroll down, under Select Template, choose  Quote Update.

If you have a previous job or quote number that you would like an update made to, choose Quote Update. A quote update would ideally be used if you had a quote that has expired that you need refreshed, or if you needed minor changes to one we had created for you previously. If there are quite a few changes, it may be worth just asking for a NEW Quote instead.

For this option, all we need to know is either your previous Quote or Job number and, what changes you would like made. 

Enter your information and click Submit.

At the top of the RFQ window, you will see that status has changed to Quote Requested. You will be sent an email when your request has been completed. 

If you have any technical difficulties using the online portal, you can leave us a message in the chat module at the bottom of your screen - we are online during normal business hours. For all other queries, please get in touch with your account manager.

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